Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Morning in the Garden

The morning's activities included: apple tree grafting (using both a slip graft and a cleft graft), drying chives in our solar drier, putting up a pea trellis, spraying down used seed flats, digging a new perennial bed along the horse fence where we're going to put grapes we're propagating from pruning clippings, saying hello to the newest calf down the road, Poncho (Pride's baby), and generally enjoying being out in the farm sunshine on such a stunning day.

Trays lined up in the sun to dry.
Drying chives.
Beautiful chives!
Cleft graft, sealed with beeswax.
Poncho, about 20 minutes after we was born.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember lining the trays up like that so that hosing off was efficient. There were so many to do because Nate had not reminded us in a while that greenhouse people were supposed to take care of them.