Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Nate started the day with an announcement at morning meeting that our kale is ready to harvest. It has been a long time coming, but we've made it: a huge bowl of Red Russian, Winter Bor, and Tuscan kale is sitting on our counter.

Today, for the first time in what feels like weeks, it rained. Our newly planted tomatoes, cukes (some of which we lost to the extremely dry conditions under the remay), eggplant, and squash are deeply grateful, and so am I.

The kale we put in the ground a month ago is gorgeous: big, vigorous, and healthy. It has been a long wait, but harvest season is finally here, and with my two hands, I've taken our first harvest directly from the soil.

I've had other local vegetables this spring - spinach from the Farmer's Market, asparagus and rhubarb, chives, mint and oregano from our garden. But there is something extraordinary about the first harvest directly from the earth, from a plant I seeded in a tray and put into the ground with my own hands. This harvest is the true beginning.

Dinner will be exceptional tonight: black-eyed peas and greens, and greens. And not just any greens, but hour-out-of-the ground greens, spectacular Maggie's Farm greens, first of the season greens. Greens to be grateful for.

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